Every year, at my friend's Grinchmas party, she figures out a creative way to raise money for those in need. This time, we are raising money for children aging out of foster care. To do this, we are doing a mystery bottle auction. If you've never heard of this, it is when you disguise a bottle of wine or liquor (cheap or not) in a creative costume. Last year, I decked out a bottle of booze in a grass skirt, coconut bra, long blonde hair, and a flowery barrette. I can't remember what it went for, but the fun thing about these auctions is the bidding war. The bottles with the best costumes always bring in the most ca$h. So, I am working on my bottle and I'll post a picture of it next week. Any suggestions?
have you seen the pics of yarn-bombing?
you could wrap it with yarn...
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