A of The Darwin Girls - Nebraska
I am an only child, and was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I grew up loving the mountains, riding horses and being outside. When I was 18, I traded in my snow skies for SCUBA gear and moved to St. Petersburg, Florida where I attended Eckerd College to study Marine Biology. Following college, I lived in St. Petersburg for 8 years working as a Marine Biologist and Environmental Consultant. This part of my life provided me the opportunity to work in nature and as an advocate for nature. It also gave me an appreciation for what it means to be a caretaker of the planet. In my spare time I enjoyed spending time with my church where I was able to work with the youth group and do some ministry trips. It wasn’t long before I found myself feeling called into ministry.
Following this call led me to the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago for seminary. I am now in my third year of schooling. As a component of my schooling and development, I am serving this year as the vicar at two churches in Northeast Nebraska.
In my personal life I enjoy traveling very much. My mom is a flight attendant and I have been blessed with an adventurous family who loves to travel together and experience all parts of our world. I have 43 countries under my travel belt and itineraries for 43 more floating in my head.
I also enjoy being with friends, and I am blessed to have the greatest friends EVER! All of which I like to try and experience new things with such as new foods, watching movies, playing board games, dancing and enjoying outdoor activities such as biking, hiking, and camping.
E of The Darwin Girls - Ohio
I am a thirty-something wife and mother of one. I currently reside in the Midwest, but also enjoyed the Floridan sun for several years while attending Eckerd College where I received a degree in marine science.
I work daily towards becoming a better photographer, writer, scientist, chef, mother, wife, and soon-to-be nurse. I began blogging when I started reading blogs during my own wedding preparation. It did not take me long to gravitate toward the most creative and informative blogs. I was struck by the support bloggers offer their readers and by their ability to reach such a huge, diverse audience. I wanted to offer up my own thoughts and sort of “pay it forward” by documenting ideas that I had or had borrowed. Feedback from blog readers is a very powerful incentive.
I love to share all things wedding, cooking, crafting, and nesting - just to name a few. Feel free to drop me a line and say hello.
J of The Darwin Girls - Tennessee
I grew up in Pennsylvania, and went to Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, to be a marine biologist. As soon as I got there, I switched majors and started a track toward ministry, including some work at Eckerd and master's at Emory University in Atlanta. Now I'm serving a progressive church in a city in Tennessee. Since moving to Tennessee, I got married and had the cutest baby in the world, and moved out to the country, a big culture shock from a small steel town outside Philly. I enjoy crafts, knitting, playing dress-up, decorating, complaining about living in the country, politics, bargain fashion, and bodily functions.

Live with Intention - that's the motto I live by. I try to make my decisions deliberately and believe that nothing happens by accident, including meeting The Darwin Girls. Our relationships with each other are woven as tightly as the fibers of the polyester geisha costume in A's costume box.
I'm a small town country girl hard wired for country music and casseroles. I went from country to city when I chose to go to Eckerd College. I've lived in St. Petersburg, Florida, since 1997 except for the 2 years I spent in Costa Rica as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I earned my Bachelor's in Psychology at Eckerd and my Master's in Public Health Education from the University of South Florida. I have the coolest job ever as a Sexual Health Educator.
I'm married to an incredible guy who actually doesn't mind doing the dishes and we have the most amazing 18 month old daughter. I enjoy cooking, reading, camping, kayaking, traveling, and I never met a cheese I didn't like.