So here are a few tips to get you started. I'm only sharing a few things because it can get overwhelming.
1) If you live in the Tampa Bay area, go to www.truecouponing.com. Find a class near you.
2) Buy your Sunday newspaper in multiples of two. This is because when things are BOGO, you can apply a coupon to each item - the one you pay for and the one that's free.
3) Plan ahead. Just about every item will go on sale on a 12 week cycle. If you LOVE ketchup (like A does), you'll want to wait until it is on sale, then buy enough to last you about 12 weeks.
4) See if your grocery store makes their own coupons. You can "stack" coupons, which means that if spaghetti sauce is BOGO, you can use 2 manufacturers coupons and 2 store coupons. In this case, you'll get two jars of spaghetti sauce for about 50 cents, depending on the coupon amounts.
I now use coupons for everything! I save on tire alignments, Dunkin Donuts, online clothes purchases, groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, facials, etc.
This is awesome!
Thank you T. I am going to look for a tire coupon to use this weekend!
I forgot to tell you! My sisters, cousin and I went to the workshop! It was genius! I still haven't quite figured it out but we are working on it! This week is my first couponing shopping trip! We'll see how it goes. I don't have a lot of back stock of coupons yet so just going to figure out what we can save on now! Thanks for the recommendation!
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